Sunday, June 18, 2006

Blogging the NFL. Civilization!

With Sunday morning I could finally see the landscape. Our hotel, though nice , is on the industrial side of Arlington, if not the other side of the tracks, at least on the otherside (east side) of the highway.

Driving through neighborhoods, got a chance to see snippets of old ranching Texas -- one of those few remaining fields, but mostly it is suburbs and the build-up along the old Dallas-Ft Worth highway with the usual faded motels, gas stations and what not.

After church it was the seach for the other necessity of life, the New York Times. The Barnes and Noble I had found in the rain wasn't open. But a computer search revealed a Starbucks about five miles away. And they had the Times. so a few minutes later I was satisfied: bagel, latte and the New York Times.

We are getting better
In the