Student Congress Notes
Here are some of the details parents especially should know about Student Congress.
Departure: We leave from City 8:30 am (Arrive Lansing, 9:45)
Return Student Congress is scheduled to finish about 5:30. We should arrive back at City around 7:00 pm. We may stop for a snack.
Transportation: Car pool. Ms P and I will drive down. My Hyundai is not a big van, but it can handle a nice suitcase (not a monster one), or a clothes bag.
Location: The Student Congress will take meet Thursday and Friday at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Lansing. On Saturday we will move to the State Capital and meet in the House Chambers.)
Schedule The Student Congress begins meeting on Thursday afternoon, and finishes up Saturday at supper time. As the attached schedule shows, some types of meetings may take place in the evening.
Hotel We will be staying at the Radisson in downtown Lansing ( 111 N. Grand. Phone is (517) 482-0188. Now that we've arrived, I can say it is very nice. Among other things, it has a pool.
Food: This will be an eat out kind of event. :-( Best guess is to plan on about $60 budget ($20/day). Today, we went to a Chinese buffet.
Contact: You can contact me at my cell, (616) 308-4628. I will have my computer with me, and so you can also reach me at wmrharris[at]