Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Portage Results

There were lots of good things about Portage: we had a chance to take along some of our new students, and our experienced performers had a chance to strut their stuff.

For those of you who love metrics, the measure we use for each tournament (and for the season) is the average score / round. For Portage our score was 96.18.

Welcome First Timers!
• Aja Kilgore, Poetry • Emily Oxfford, Prose • Walter Gilles, Impromptu •Margaret Root, Extemp

Return to the Semis
Gilles/Jin (Duo)

Our Final Round Performers
• Christina Le -- 3rd, Impromptu 9/10 • Nate Ritsema -- 5th, Broadcasting (his first final round of the season!) • Catherine Khuu -- 5th, Extemp (her first time ever in the Finals)

And S-o-o-o Close to a Sweepstakes.
Rankings of 1, 2 or 3 go into the sweepstakes tabulation. We ended up one point shy of third place. We're off to a great season!

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