JCC Tournament More Details
Jackson Community College, Saturday October 6. (Leave at 6:15). The Schedule has been changed, slightly. There are now only two sessions.
New Time Line
- Leave City High: 6:15 am
- Arrive JCC: 8:15 am (includes coffee/breakfast break along way)
- Gen'l Meeting: 8:30 am (Potter Center)
- Session I: 8:45 - 12:00 (Burt Walker Hall)
- Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 pm (Potter Center)
- Session II: 1:15 - 4:30 pm (Burt Walker Hall)
- Awards: ASAP
- Leave JCC: 5:00 pm
- Arrive City: 8:00 pm (with hour for dinner on way)
With only nineteen students, there will not be a super session. The students will be evaluated by two judges in the first round and two in the second round. Scores will be combined from each session with the presiding officers‚ scores doubled from their session on the floor. Presiding officers will also receive recognition for their service. They will be giving away 10 speaker awards.
Lunch Included
Lunches were ordered for everyone.
The Bills
At this point, they are still accepting new legislation. Here are the nine to date:
- Bill: Alternative Fuel Tax
- Bill: Junk Food Tax
- Resolution: Punish flag burners
- Bill: Smoking Ban on College Campuses
- Bill: Imported Goods Safety
- Resolution: End the Korean War
- Bill: Cell Phone Recycling
- Resolution: End Canadian Seal Hunt
- Bill: Establish Metric System in US
Labels: Legislative Debate, Schedules, Tournament
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