Sunday, June 18, 2006

Blogging the NFL. Registration

With our late travels we took the time to sleep in (and with the time change - we're on CDT - we could always say it really wasn't 11:00 but 10:00. See? Feel better?

Finally made it to Registration around 12:30. It is amazing what the place looks like in daylight. As it is, the roads and parking around the Hyatt Regency are best described as a plate of spaghetti, with roadways everywhere, and how exactly does one get out, again?

Inside, the Hyatt was nicely plummy, the registration was certainly different from last year's on the deck at the Philadelphia stadium. This was in a ballroom, and since we were there a little later, no lines either.

The Vendor displays were ok, but not as many or as interesting as last year's event. And there was not the same level of swag either. Yes, we're in this for the tchotckies! Met reps from several schools, and it is depressing when they offer that the most outstanding thing about their school would the renovated properties. Academically? well that is another story. Not every school was like that, though. The conversation with the rep from Colorado College in Coloradro Springs was very worthwhile. Knowing that they were drawing from Greenhills and International Academy gave a good sense of the place -- that and the block scheduling they use. The kids found it useful.

At Registration Ms P and I got judging assignments. Our first (and only one Monday) is at 2:30. Ok. Next?